
What is an authorised treatment facility

What is an authorised treatment facility

What is an atf authorised treatment facility

An atf stands for authorised treatment facility which is a scrap yard or scrap vehicle dealer that follows specific rules and regulations when it comes to the dismantling and recycling of scrap cars. Dismantlers / scrap merchants have proven that they follow strict guidelines set by the Environment Agency and will have a atf licence.

This means that the facility is authorised to recycle / dispose of end-of-life vehicles in an environmentally responsible manner. AFT must comply with a range of requirements, including keeping accurate records of all vehicles that are dismantled and recycled / disposed of.

This ensures that all vehicles are properly accounted for and that the materials from each vehicle are recycled or disposed of in the most appropriate way. Authorised treatment facilities play an important role in ensuring that scrap cars are dealt with in a safe and responsible manner.

How does an authorised treatment facility scrap a car?

An ATF has the facilities and expertise to dispose of a vehicle in the correct way. What happens to scrapped cars include:

Certificate of destruction

Once an end of life vehicle has been brought to an ATF for car scrapping, they will issue a Certificate of destruction document to the car owner through the DVLA’s online system. This is usually done within seven days

Depollution process

An ATF (Authorised Treatment Facility) has the facilities and expertise to safely and correctly dispose of a vehicle. Duties include: removing the battery, gas tank, liquids, and catalytic converter, oil filters, Wheels, airbags, seatbelts, switches; de-polluting the vehicle; and recycling as much of the vehicle as possible.

Keeping car parts safe

Hazardous materials must be removed from all cars before they can be scrapped. After these materials have been removed, it is important to store car parts correctly. They should be stored in separate areas that have clear labels.

Additionally, they should be stored away from anything that could compromise their safety. When storing hazardous materials, it’s important to follow all safety regulations. This will help to ensure that the materials are disposed of correctly and that people are not put at risk.

Achieving recycling and recovery targets

The end-of-life vehicle recovery target is currently 95 per cent, while the recycling target is 85 per cent according to government regulations. As a result, vehicles need to be thoroughly processed to ensure they meet these figures.

How to Tell if a Scrap Yard is ATF registered

You can find out whether a particular scrap yard is an officially authorised facility and has an atf registration by filling out the ATF forms at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Add any details you have, such as the address, and if the facility is registered, it will appear here.

For an easier way to scrap your car follow our simple car scrapping process below

  • Enter your car registration & car details in our scrap car quote form
  • Accept the quote & arrange a free scrap car collection
  • Provide the scrap car dealer with id eg a driving license
  • Get paid & get a receipt
  • Give them the V5 registration document retaining section 9. Complete section 9 of the V5C document (or section 4 on V5Cs issued after April 2019) and send it to the DVLA
  • Contact your insurance company who will cancel the policy and provide you with a refund for any months of unused insurance
  • You will receive a certificate of destruction within 7 days

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How to become an authorised treatment facility

In order to become an ATF, or authorised treatment facility, there are certain government guidelines that must be followed. This is to ensure that all waste is disposed of safely and in accordance with regulations. For instance, when hazardous material is present, strict hazardous waste regulations must be followed.

In addition, general commercial waste rules must also be adhered to for any non-recyclable parts of the car. In England, you must also obtain planning permission from your local council as well as the correct environmental permit for the treatments carried out on your site.

Lastly, a scrap metal dealer’s licence must be acquired from your local council. By following these guidelines, you will be well on your way to getting an authorised treatment facility licence.
If you would like more information regarding handling, dismantling, and disposing of ELVs at your site, you should contact the Environment Agency.

How a customer benefits from an authorised treatment facility

When you need to dispose of an End of Life Vehicle, it is important to use an authorised treatment facility (ATF). It is illegal for a non-registered ATF to dismantle vehicles, and the seller can also face fines for using a facility that is not authorised. car scrapping with an ATF has financial incentives as well as environmental and safety benefits.

You will be given the peace of mind to know that your vehicle won’t end up back on the road illegally, and that you have done your bit to protect the environment. Authorised car disposal facilities follow strict guidelines to ensure that hazardous materials are disposed of correctly.

This protects both workers, landfill space and the surrounding area from harmful chemicals. Using an authorised facility is the best way to ensure that your vehicle is disposed of responsibly.

How can I find an authorised treatment facility near me?

If you’re looking to scrap your car, the best way to find an ATF is to request a quote from us here at Scrap Car Kings. We’ll handle the whole process for you, from start to finish.

We only deal with accredited, authorised treatment facilities – so you can be confident that your car will be dealt with in a way that meets all government environmental regulations. Plus, we make it our mission to get the best possible price for your car – so you can be sure you’re getting the best deal possible.

Get in touch with us today and we’ll take care of everything for you.

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